5 Methods for Improving Your Current Mental Health


It is equally as vital to take care of your mental health as it is to take care of your physical health. Your mental health can have an effect not only on how you feel but also on the quality of your thinking, how effectively you can deal with stress, and the kind of relationships you have with other people. Your capacity to make intelligent and reasonable choices might also be impacted by the state of your mental health. If you neglect your mental health, you may experience feelings of irritability, anger, depression, or moodiness. A lack of attention to one’s mental health can result in a variety of physical symptoms, including weariness, high blood pressure, chest pain, and ulcers. The encouraging news is that it is not necessary for you to carry on living in such a manner. You can immediately begin to improve your mental health by making adjustments to a number of aspects of your lifestyle, including the habits that you engage in.

A Person’s Mental Health

When it comes to a person’s mental health, it can be challenging to recognize when they are experiencing difficulties and may be pondering the question of how to improve their mental health. Depending on the underlying reason, problems with mental health may be short-term or persistent over time. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to hear that the past few years have been FULLY BOOKED (kindly putting it). Personal struggles of a significant nature were encountered by each of us. Collectively, as a nation and as a world, we grieved, we lost, we feared, and we suffered; in fact, we were so shaken up that we were afraid to even leave our homes.

However, the year 2022 arrived, and with it came hope for many of us. We assured ourselves that this year would be far more successful than the previous one when we made our resolutions. However, some of us are still striving to be successful, which is quite understandable.

The following advice is offered in the hope that it will assist you in better managing your mental health and that it will ignite a fire within you. If you remain consistent and remain determined, 2022 has the potential to be the year in which you THRIVE.


mental health

Imagine that there was someone you could talk to about anything that was going through your head and heart without fear of being ridiculed or criticized in any way. Imagine, as well, that this person would keep the secrets and difficulties that you both went through to themselves and would never reveal them to anyone. In addition to that, the same individual showed kindness while listening attentively and providing helpful advice.

This is the kind of interaction that many people have with the therapists they see. There are a lot of different online therapy sites out there, and many of them provide zoom sessions, phone sessions and some therapists are even starting to offer in-person sessions again.

How Psychotherapy Contributes to Better Mental Health

According to Annie Clark a licensed clinical psychologist in the state of Michigan, “Talking to someone who gives a nonjudgmental place to address different difficulties can have positive benefits.” [Transcription] One of the many benefits of therapy is that it can help strengthen communication skills, give you the ability to generate new insights about your life, teach you how to make healthier choices, and enable you to develop coping techniques to manage the “new normal.”


In the year 2020, how many hours did you spend looking at a screen? Actually, you shouldn’t respond to that! But in all honesty, we did spend a lot of time on our electronic devices, doing things like working from home on our laptops, going to school on our iPads, playing video games, and learning new dances for our TikToks. In short, we spent a lot of time on our devices. The beauty of Mother Nature is awaiting our return to discover it. Get outside, whatever the weather, take a few deep breaths of the clean air, and appreciate the natural benefits that Mother Nature has to offer. You could try a new hiking trail, ride your bike to the beach, or head to the mountains to go skiing.

How Spending Time Outside Is Beneficial to One’s Mental Health

Being outside can be beneficial to your mental health in a number of ways, including improving your mood and reducing feelings of anxiety. A number of individuals report improvements in both their mood and their cognitive function as a result. Their ability to concentrate also increases, in addition to their improved memory. According to the findings of recent studies, the recommended minimum amount of time spent outside each week is one hundred twenty minutes. Participants who did this were more likely to say that they were in good health or that they had positive well-being. Whoo-hoo!


Self-care can be practiced in a variety of ways. This is more than just a day at the spa or a staycation. Self-care can be loosely defined as engaging in any activity that contributes to the improvement of one’s own physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. Reading, using a bath bomb while you soak in the tub, grabbing a cup of coffee at your go-to coffee shop, watching a comedy special, or really anything else that makes you feel cared for and pampered can count. Your ideal method of self-care will be one that takes into account what works best for you, what you love doing, your current levels of energy, and who you are as a person. Have a good time discovering what it is, and then get out there and do it!

How to Improve Your Mental Health Through Self-Care

The benefits of self-care include improvements in one’s physical, mental, and emotional health as well as well-being. According to research, practicing self-care is associated with a variety of beneficial effects on health, including the promotion of resiliency, an increase in lifespan, and improved capacity to deal with stress. All of them are truly wonderful stuff!



“Dear Journal, ” Fill in the blank: today was (insert date here). Does this ring a bell? If you kept a diary when you were younger, you most likely enjoyed putting down whatever thoughts and feelings were going through your mind at the time. Everything from first loves to aspirations for the future is discussed. After that, you probably put your signature on it, fastened it with a golden lock, and hid it somewhere discrete like beneath your mattress for safekeeping. That feeling of weightlessness that comes after writing everything down is incomparable. You won’t believe it, but you can still accomplish it even if you don’t have the golden lock and key today! What you just described is what many today refer to as “journaling” or “expressive writing.” Yep. This time-honored practice is not only effective, but it is also a potent instrument that can assist us mentally and in our creative endeavors.

How Keeping a Journal Can Improve Your Mental Health:

After finishing a journaling session, the majority of us feel a sense of release or relief. Not only does journaling assist us in better managing our stress, but it also has the potential to really lower that stress. Good riddance, a monkey riding on your back. Additionally, it can assist us in overcoming periods of despair, assisting us in adjusting to loss or change, and generally in improving our mood. Putting everything down on paper provides not just catharsis but also an opportunity to recognize unhelpful beliefs and strive toward more loving and positive self-talk. If you do a simple search on Google, you’ll see that the benefits of keeping a journal are extensive and quite diverse for each individual. Notably, several studies have converged on the conclusion that keeping a journal has the potential to benefit various elements of one’s mental and physical health.



There is no way that we can understate the efficacy of meditation. This powerful practice helps release stress, and multiple studies have shown that daily meditation is not only useful for depression and anxiety, but according to the American Heart Association, regular meditation can also help lower blood pressure to a modest degree.

Not sure where to begin or how to get started with your meditation practice? Two popular applications for practicing meditation are called Calm and Headspace. Even Lebron James himself guides a meditation that can be seen on the YouTube channel for Calm, and it is very good. You can also find a wide variety of other videos related to meditation on YouTube.

How Meditation Benefits Mental Health in the Following Ways:

It has been demonstrated that the practice of meditating on a regular basis can assist to benefit the immune system, lower cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure, and protecting against heart disease. Meditation is the habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts.

A recent study concluded that meditating and practicing mindfulness have remarkable effects on the body’s immune system. The findings demonstrated that meditation: 1) Increased the number of CD-4 cells, which are the helper cells of the immune system that are involved in the process of sending signals to other cells, instructing them to destroy infection; and 2) Reduced the levels of cortisol, which is a stress hormone. 2) A decrease in inflammatory markers, which is significant because elevated levels of these biomarkers are frequently associated with impaired immune function and illness. 3) An increase in the activity of telomerase, which is a protein that helps maintain the integrity of chromosomes and protects them from degradation (telomerase deterioration leads to cancer and premature aging).



When it comes to the state of your mental health, it is essential to surround yourself with people who are supportive of you and who are able to offer assistance when it is required. It may feel as if you need to go it alone and figure things out for yourself, but asking for help or resources does not make you weak; rather, it demonstrates that you are human. There is power in having support, and it will help your mental health whether you discuss it with a therapist, a loved one, or any mix of the three of these options. In case no one has mentioned it to you yet today, I just wanted to let you know that you’re doing an excellent job. You have made it this far, and the world is a better place simply because you are a part of it.

Here Are Six Simple Changes You Can Make to See an Improvement in Your Mental Health

1. Reassure yourself, encourage yourself, and congratulate yourself throughout the day. 

When you have a pessimistic outlook on your life, it’s easy to start seeing yourself and the world around you through a pessimistic lens, which can have an impact on your mental health. To your good fortune, maintaining a positive outlook on your life can both safeguard and promote your mental health.

  • You can begin to say encouraging things to yourself on a daily basis, such as the following:
  • I am very pleased with myself.
  • The results of my labor may be seen.
  • This is within my capabilities.
  • I am loved
  • I am strong
  • We all make mistakes
  • I have the power to affect change in the world.

Practicing thankfulness has been shown to benefit both physical and mental health. Make sure you give yourself time every day to reflect on the good things that are happening in your life. Put them in writing so that you may refer to them whenever you need to. Maintaining an optimistic perspective might make it easier to take pleasure in life, even when confronted with trying circumstances and unpleasant experiences.

2. Dedicate each day to an activity that brings you pleasure.

It is possible for life’s events to occur suddenly and without warning, but ensuring that you schedule time for activities that bring you joy can assist enhance your mental health. Participating in activities that you look forward to can help make your brain stronger and boost your mood. According to a number of studies, those who make it a habit to regularly engage in activities that bring them pleasure have a lower risk of experiencing negative mental health outcomes such as anxiety and depression. Doing something you enjoy on a daily basis, whether it be going for a walk, painting, riding a bike, watching comedy, cooking, keeping a journal, listening to music, reading, or participating in a team sport, can help improve your mental and emotional health.

3. Ensure You Get Sufficient Sunlight


Endorphins are hormones that heighten pleasure and diminish pain, and spending time in the sun triggers the release of endorphins in the brain. But endorphins don’t only make you joyful. Additionally, they have the ability to alleviate mental strain and foster a general feeling of well-being.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D can also be obtained in large amounts by exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D can have a role in the prevention of depression in addition to its role in the release of brain chemicals that can boost one’s mood. A seasonal affective disorder (also known as SAD), schizophrenia, and anxiety have all been linked to having low amounts of vitamin D. So get away from the monotony of your daily routine and enjoy some time basking in the sun. The majority of knowledgeable individuals agree that exposing oneself to thirty minutes to two hours of sunlight each day can significantly improve one’s mental health and overall well-being.

4. Make Contact with Other People

We as humans are social creatures by nature. When life becomes chaotic, stressful, or uncertain, having a strong social support system can assist you in remaining grounded and centered despite the challenges you face. Your sense of purpose and belonging can be improved by getting engaged in your community, whether it is your neighborhood, city, or state. Strong relationships have the ability to:

  • Contribute to an increase in your perception of your value.
  • Offer you the chance to communicate with others and participate in uplifting interactions.
  • Give you emotional support while also enabling you to help other people.
  • You can form relationships with other people by:
  • Having dinner with one’s loved ones and close pals
  • Put together plans to hang out with old pals who you haven’t seen in a while.
  • Participate in a game with your offspring, close friends, or extended relatives
  • Share a meal with a coworker during lunchtime
  • Use applications for video chatting
  • Volunteer your time to help others

5. Include a Predetermined Amount of “Relaxation Time” in Each Day

Two of the most significant impediments to one’s mental well-being are the experiences of stress and unpleasant emotions. The good news is that incorporating time set out for relaxing into your daily routine will assist you in protecting your mental health. Therefore, make sure you schedule some downtime for each day. It is not necessary to set aside a significant amount of time to accomplish this, but you must act in a deliberate manner.

There are a variety of approaches that may be taken to calm the mind, however, the following are some of the most effective ones:

  • A slow inhale and exhale
  • Meditation
  • The use of guided imagery
  • Progressive muscular relaxation
  • Journaling
  • Acupuncture
  • Yoga
  • These are some others:
  • Using a stress ball as a recreational activity
  • Dancing
  • Having a warm beverage that does not contain alcohol (such as green tea)
  • Relaxing oneself by listening to calming music
  • Having fun with one’s pet
  • Spending time outside
  • Getting a massage

It is up to you to decide how you will rest after a long day. Just keep in mind that you need to factor some time for relaxation into your daily schedule.

6. Remember to take good care of your body.

Taking care of one’s physical health might shield one’s mind from the adverse effects of prolonged or excessive stress and worry. The good news is that in order to take care of your body, you do not have to become an obsessive fitness fanatic. All that is required of you is to:

Engage in any physical activity you enjoy. Start small. Go on walks. Put your friends and family to the test by having them compete with you in a race around the neighborhood. Swim. Ride a bike. You may improve both your mental and physical health by participating in any of these forms of exercise.

Get proper sleep. Getting an adequate amount of sleep enables the brain to interpret emotional information in an accurate manner, which can assist in maintaining and improving your mental health. If you have trouble falling or staying asleep, try implementing any of these routines into your evening routine.

Consume food from each food group. Some foods, such as vegetables, lean protein, seafood, fresh herbs, peppers, olive oil, berries, and heart-healthy carbs, have been shown to reduce symptoms of depression in both the brain and the body. Depression and poor emotions might be warded off with the use of foods that are rich in vitamin B12.

In Conclusion, Take One Day at a Time to Improve Your Mental Health

Your mental health may be negatively impacted by things like stress, feelings that are upsetting to you, and unanticipated problems, but there is hope. Modifications to your lifestyle, even on a daily basis, can assist improve your mental health. Your mental and emotional health may potentially see improvements as a result of implementing the six simple changes and you may improve your mental health one day at a time by following the 5 simple methods for improving your mental health.








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